Built a complete Trade Compliance Management System for a large organization including backend integrations, Web App and process optimization. This resulted in a 30% optimization of output and 15% increase in accuracy.
An AI system that predicts HTS numbers for a very large importer allowing them to predict duty costs far ahead of importing the goods.
A Graphical application that allows a large manufacturer to track large quantities of weld points, their weld parameters and quality data with import/export functions with their plant equipmement.
Extremely complex system to get duty refunds for a large importer on eligible items due by developing integrations with their warehouse and logistics systems saving $2.1M .
A contact management system for a major news organization that solicits tips from consumers and tracks all contacts and interactions with between the organization and consumer.
Serviced an new importer of Chinese Manufactured goods on HTS Classification and strategies to lower their duty and logistics costs.
Installation of camera system, configuration of remote camera viewing, Configuration of POS systems, Installation mobile-enabled door sensors and automatic control of business signage. Increased the owner's ability to manage the business from anywhere.
Automated the payment of international vendors for a multi-national organization through integration of several systems including SAP, implementing digital invoicing and creation of code which automatically validates invoices for payment resulting in a reduction of 1600 overtime hours annually and an automation rate of 92%.
Created a system to automatically integrate enterprise data into spreadsheets for a large company which eliminated email requests.
Modernized a small law office by introducing modern tools and techniques to reduce paperwork and track client files more efficiently.
Created an automated document storage and retrieval record keeping system for a medium-sized importer which used OCR to recognize documents and file them automatically.
Created a complex excel-based solicitation system for a manufacturer to identify component cost and country of origin and qualify goods for free trade agreements. An improvement of 50% over previous methods.
Using plant-wide accounting reports and custom database system, was able to qualify an importer to use computed customs value in their customs transactions ensuring no over payment of customs duties.
Implemented a service request system which allows the staff to take requests from customers, update the track work and communicate to the customer achieving 20% improvement in operational efficiency.
Designed and implemented Corporate Trade Compliance manual, policies and procedures, and tools to ensure compliance with Customs Regulations.
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